•IMPORTANT: If upgrading from Version 9 to Version 10, all custom reports must be rebuilt or they will be lost.
oWhen installing the update, the program will confirm if you have any custom reports and give you the option to continue or cancel the installation.
oCancel the installation if you have custom reports you want to keep.
oYou can rebuild your reports yourself or contact our Support Department for assistance.
1.To download the Software, log in to the Client Login area of the PMXpert website with your User ID and your Password.
2.Click on the Downloads tab and click on the most recent PMXpert link at the top.
a.REMEMBER: All custom reports from Version 9 must be rebuilt before upgrading to Version 10 or they will be lost.
b.Cancel the installation if you have custom reports that you want to keep. You can rebuild your reports yourself or contact our Support Department for assistance.
c.If you are running PMXpert Version 8 or lower, you must first upgrade to Version 9 before upgrading to Version 10.
3.Save the PMXsetup.exe to your Desktop and double-click it.
4.Click Run. The Installation Wizard will begin. Click [Next] to continue.
5.The next screen contains the license information. Please read the agreement and click Agree if you accept the terms and conditions or Disagree if you cannot accept them. If you disagree with the license agreement you cannot continue. Click [Next] to continue.
6.The next screen provides some information about Standard versus Enterprise. Read this and click [Next] to continue.
7.You now have the option to Install as a New Installation or Update a Previous Version. The instructions below will explain the four variations: